Robin Salyer Fleischer, MS.Ed. Counseling Psychology
- Board Certified Counselor (NCC)
- Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPCA)
- Certified Career Counselor (CCC)
- Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS)
- Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider (BC-TMH)
- Certified Compassionate Fatigue Professional (CCFP)
- Certified Laughter Leader-E
- GetFive Certified Career Coach
- Certified Canine Support Team
- Traumas in Law Enforcement Training
- Certified Prepare-Enrich Facilitator
Mobile: 859-321-0457
Location: 713 Millpond Road | Suite 10, Lexington, KY 40514
Daniel L. Fleischer, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Police Science
- MS.Human Services Counseling, Concentration in Crisis Response & Trauma
- Retired Sergeant, 28 years Lexington Police Dept.
- PCIS Certified Peer Supporter
- KY LEAP Certified CISM Team Member
- C.I.T. Training
- Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention,
Train the Trainers
- Traumas in Law Enforcement Training (C.O.P.S.)
- Certified Relationship Enhancement (RE) Training, Institute for Dev. of Emotional and Life Skills
Robin's back-story is quite thought-provoking; she has a wide range of accomplishments, intellectual interests, and expertise for pulling together information from many disciplines into her work, from research to personal experiences, helping people be the most successful and happy with their choices. As a polymath (advisor-source of comprehensive information), Robin seeks to help organizations and people think about fundamental questions, what is essential and valuable in life, and how to do a better job making these intertwined and interconnected in work life, love and relationships, careers and vocations! Robin is a native Kentuckian, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, and has served on multiple local, regional, and national boards in leadership roles.
Robin is a board-certified counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor Associate, Certified Career Counselor, Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider, Certified Career Coach, Certified Master of Career Services, Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional, and Certified Laughter Leader! She has served in private practice and higher education institutions in the Bluegrass Region for 20+ years and has worked with students and clients worldwide. Robin's counseling approach takes the best practices of traditional counseling and some of its unique advantages. It adapts them for delivery to clients via electronic means to maximize technology-assisted counseling techniques.
Robin has delivered fun, high-impact presentations for over 18 years to 1000's students on campuses, as well as to corporations and non-profit institutions. In addition to career counseling, grief recovery, and relationship education. Crafting an eye-catching and memorable resume is a significant component of your self-promotion strategy. And as an expert, experienced designer, Robin will showcase your talent and epitomize your brand in your job search documents so you can move forward with confidence and have the success you seek!
Married for 35+ years to her high school sweetheart, she works with couples in relationships to identify unique strengths and growth areas, also offering engagement and premarital counseling. And she acts as a cheerful voice for Law Enforcement in the community, has served as a volunteer with the National Alliance for Law Enforcement Support (NALES), with the KY Post-Critical Incident Seminars, and with the KY Community Crisis Response Board as a First Responder Family Peer Supporter. She and her husband have three young adult children and two grandchildren.
Robin and her German Shepherd Dog, Highway, and her certified Leonbergers serve as certified Therapy Dog Team visiting hospitals, nursing homes, libraries, and other places to bring smiles and emotional support! Furthermore, with Animal-Assisted Crisis Response, as specially trained handlers (psychological first aid, incident command, etc.) and canines, Robin and her dogs are trained and tested for crisis response work. They provide comfort and support to people affected by disasters; scientific evidence has shown that animals are a positive factor in helping people cope with traumatic events. Canine teams are educated to be effective and professional while working in stressful, unpredictable environments. Robin's certified therapy dogs, Leonbergers, known as 'gentle giants, are Falkor, Berlyn, and Gideon!
**As a trained and certified Animal Assisted Psychotherapist, Robin is trained as a qualified mental health professional in animals' ethical and humane integration into the therapeutic setting and meets the competencies defined by the American Counseling Association (ACA). In 2016 the American Counseling Association publicized competencies that must be fulfilled to ethically provide animal-assisted therapy-counseling (this is the equivalent of animal-assisted psychotherapy). Suppose you are interested and find animal-assisted therapy valuable to your healing and progress. In that case, it is crucial that you choose a counselor with the education and knowledge to know how to practice AAP safely, ethically, and competently.
"Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had."
— Thom Jones